#FridayFunday : Fierce Harlem Night
Freebie, Friday Funday, Free, Media, YouTubeLola ChélFriday, funday friday, Friday Funday, Media, Beauty Model, Beauty
#FridayFunday : Lola Chél + Teesofab - Lemonade Look
Free, Friday Funday, Instagram, Media, YouTubeLola ChélFriday, Friday Funday, Beauty, Beauty Model, Lola Chél, Lola
#FridayFunday : JORD Just For You!
Free, Fashion, Freebie, Friday Funday, MediaLola ChélFree, Freebie, Free For You, Lola Chél, Friday Funday, Friday
#WerkItWednesday : Autumn Aspiration
#WerkItWednesday, Advice, Free, Freebie, The LookLola Chél#mahileather, fashion brand, Fashion Show, Fashion, New York Fashion Week, Lola Chél, Lola, werkitwednesday, #werkitwednesday
#ModelMonday : The ABC's Of Networking
#ModelMonday, Advice, Fashion, Free, Model, Monday Motivation, MotivationLola ChélModels, model call, Model Talk, ModelCall, ModelMonday, #ModelMonday, #modelmonday, Freelancing Model, Freelancing Models, Hair Model, Beauty Model, Atlanta Model
#WerkItWednesday : NYFW Edition
#WerkItWednesday, Fashion, Events, Free, The LookLola Chélwerkitwednesday, #werkitwednesday, Fashion Show, Fashion, fashion brand, New York Fashion Week, NYFW, The Look
#WerkItWednesday: I want to See You Werk It!
#ModelMonday: 10 Things Every Model Wishes They'd Known Before They Started Modeling
#ModelMonday, Advice, Free, Freebie, Model, Monday MotivationLola ChélModelMonday, Model Talk, Models, #modelmonday, #ModelMonday, advice
#ModelMonday : Pros and Cons of Freelancing
#ModelMonday, Advice, Fashion, Free, Freebie, Model, MediaLola ChélModelMonday, Model Talk, Models, #modelmonday, #ModelMonday, Free, Freebie, Freelancing Model, Freelancing Models
#ModelMonday: Model Measurements With ModelMentors.com
#ModelMonday, Advice, Fashion, Freebie, Free, ModelLola ChélModelMonday, Model Talk, Models, #modelmonday, #ModelMonday