#ModelOfTheMonth : Jasmine Douglas

Hey Loves!

Welcome back to the LolaChel.com #ModelOfTheMonth segment. We haven't highlighted anyone in a while so we have to start it back with a bang! This month we are bringing you a full-time working model: Jasmine Douglas out of Atlanta. She is a light to everyone she meets AND her photos are BOMB - you'll definitely feel her energy by the end of this interview. Check her out on Instagram ,Twitter Facebook , YouTube , and her website.


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How Did You Get Your Start In Modeling?

I first started modeling when I was 10 years old. I had just moved from Minnesota
and a family friend of ours really told my mom I HAD to give it a go. Her son was
with AGE agency in Miami Beach at the time and she referred my mom to them.
After one meeting, they signed me.


What Types Of Modeling Do You Do (Runway? Editorial? Parts?)?

I do mostly lifestyle, commercial and print work. Editorial is something I look
forward to getting into but the first 3 listed are my lane at this time.

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What Are Your Goals For Modeling (Agency signing? Starting your own agency? Other?) And Have You Reached Any Of Them?

One recent goal I obtained was to move out of my parents' house and further my
career in Atlanta, Georgia. I really wanted to get signed by a great, well-known
agency. The cool thing about this experience was that I walked in after going to an
open-call with a room packed of other potential candidates and out of every guy
and girl there I was the only one chosen to be signed. So I am officially signed to
Click Models ATL. I have only been with them a month and I already booked an
editorial shoot that will be published within the next two months. God truly gives us
the desires of our hearts. <3

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What Was Your Most Memorable Modeling Experience/Memory (Good Or Bad)?

I haven’t really experienced anything “bad” in the industry yet and I am extremely
grateful for that. As far a good is concerned, I try my best to be the “good” on set
that way I am never disappointed. I am very optimistic and so seeing the bright,
positive side of things on any set or in an office a casting agency or in my own
agency I have learned that I am the only one who is in control of the way I feel no
one else has that power. That’s where I find peace.



If Or When You Leave The Modeling World What Do You Hope To Leave As Your Legacy?

So since modeling is photography that means that the picture must speak for it
self. I hope to master the idea of comfortable in ones own skin so well that years
down the road when someone sees all of the work I put in they will feel that same
security still. Along with joy and peace because that’s what I hope to exude
forever. Confidence is important but I believe even more so in authenticity. I want
girls and even guys to see beauty for who and what it is at face value, literally.
Lastly, I hope that when others see my smile or my pose they feel the love of God.
I know he is capable of giving that perspective and I hope he chooses me to be
used for that purpose.

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I See That You Have A Style And Look That Appeals To Commerical, Fashion, And Even Film - Do You Have Any Aspirations Outside Of Modeling?

Even though I am a full-time professional model another reason I moved to Atlanta
is to fully submerge myself into the acting world. I have been acting since I was 14 years old and I LOVE it. I have done a lot of improv and theater productions and so I am not shy in front of an audience. I am hoping to expand this passion further into to film and I truly believe that within the next year I WILL book my first principal role in a movie and/or TV series. I know it’s possible so right now I am training and getting to know myself so I can prepare for what is to come.

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I Love That You Have A Section On Your Website Truejas.com That's All About Your Work - How Do You Want To See Your Work Expand In 2019?

As far as my modeling work is concerned, I hope to move into editorial and fashion
a lot more. I believe I am capable of doing both even though there are, in most
cases, a height requirement but I believe so STRONGLY in my look and so I know
that with perseverance and determination I will work hard enough to be seen and
taken seriously in that side of this field of work.


What's Your Favorite Quote?

My favorite quote tends to change due to the season that I am in, this season it’s
“Above all else, to thine own self be true” - William Shakespeare

If you would like to become a working model like Jasmine check out the Model Mastery Program!

Model Mastery: The Detailed Curriculum To Help You Build Your Modeling Career

In this monthly curriculum, you will learn how to go from an aspiring model to a working model month by month with various elements of the modeling industry and actionable ways you can improve as a model.

Enroll today through the button below 👇