#ShootStyle : 6 Fashion Experts Reveal the Secrets of Achieving Ones Signature Look.

Hey Lovelies!

Welcome to another #ShootStyle on LolaChel.com. July is off to a great start. I hope this heat isn’t too much for you all-stay cool and hydrated. In the spirit of this heat I’m going to share an article I contributed to hot off the press! This article touched on how to achieve your signature look and I was called on as an expert. Check out my secrets below:

Lola Chél- Lolachel

Lola Chél is a model, blogger, host, and influencer based in Miami, Florida. As a full-time working model and creator Of LolaChel.com, a space for models, style, & premiere events.

 Expert Tip: 

Look to the Past to Predict Your Signature

We all have favorite items. Turn to your closet after a successful laundry day and pull out your 10 most worn items. I'm talking items that you incorporate into your look in between every wash cycle (weather and schedule permitting). Lay these items out and you'll start to see a theme. Whether it's the color palette, the fit of the garments, the style of clothes, etc. this method will jump start your path to a secured signature style.

Your Top 5 Is Where Your Signature Lies

Sometimes your signature style is hiding just beyond your reach. A great way to begin to grasp it is by pulling out your ULTIMATE pieces from your wardrobe. These are pieces that make you feel like Beyonce's Beyonce. They fit your body type, enhance your natural features, and always get you compliments. Take these pieces out of your wardrobe (even if you don't wear them often) and take a look at the aesthetic they give you when pooled together. This is a great way to access your signature style.

If you want to see the full list of secrets read the full article through the button below

What’s your secret to your signature style? How would you incorporate them into a future shoot? Tell me in the comments below 👇